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June 27, 2011

SKULLebrities : Bad to the Bone

Lets give a very cold welcome to the second D’Bag in the SKULLebrities : Bad to the Bone Series… it’s Führy.

Führy is a not so highly decorated veteran of World War II, rumored to have invented the
high-five and the toothbrush moustache.

He spends most of his time marching through Poland, where he occasionally stops for lunch,
but wouldn’t be caught dead eating a Hebrew Frank, unless it was named Anne.

He’s an avid collector, who also enjoys camp, where nothing can break his concentration.
And although his true passion is baking, we don’t think he’ll be having lunch with Sonny
anytime soon.

A lifelong bachelor, his brief marriage didn’t end well… he was always more brains than Braun!

6 responses to “SKULLebrities : Bad to the Bone”

  1. bengie bafangool says:

    sick, twisted…demented….and totally awesome!!!

  2. jimbo dean says:

    just when i think you couldnt possibly make a more douchebaggier villian than USAma ,you go and make Fuhry

    …….and totally redeem yourself !!

  3. amy says:

    wow i want the sticker

  4. amy says:

    i don’t want the sticker he is grosteque

  5. YEEEEESS says:

    AWSOME! I WANT the sticker he is grosteque! Would be cool to see Stallin and Lennin ones too. They both made Führy look like a light weight.

  6. amy says:

    yeeeeess he killed billions how is that cool huh

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